WP Themes

with Passion

We turn WordPress themes into Engaging, Expansive, Enticing, Expressive, Elaborate, Enduring creations of art.


Crafted with passion, built for traffic

In the vast sea of WordPress themes, PassionPress Theme emerges as a beacon for bloggers and niche website creators who seek unparalleled excellence and effortless customization. Drawing strength from the robust foundation of the Kadence WordPress theme, our child themes are more than just aesthetically pleasing—they’re crafted with purpose. They combine blazing speed with a design ethos that amplifies your content, ensuring your site not only looks outstanding but also performs at peak efficiency.

We believe in the power of specificity. Understanding the unique needs of blogs and niche websites, our themes are optimized to cater to these demands, offering a seamless user experience and an intuitive backend for site owners. With PassionPress Theme, you’re not just getting a theme—you’re getting a testament to our commitment to elevate your content to its rightful place in the spotlight. Choose PassionPress, where passion meets precision.

We don’t just create themes, we make them come ALIVE!

Something happens when you give people the chance to work on
the things that they are passionate about… Their work comes alive
and connects with people in so many ways that it’s almost magical!

Our Themes

Browse our passions and topics we can write about
to see where and how we can match your requirements.


“General” Kadence child theme for WordPress designed specifically for blog and niche websites.


“Lifestyle” Kadence child theme for WordPress designed specifically for blog and niche websites.


“Sports” Kadence child theme for WordPress designed specifically for blog and niche websites.


“Auto” Kadence child theme for WordPress designed specifically for blog and niche websites.


“Outdoor” Kadence child theme for WordPress designed specifically for blog and niche websites.


“Garden” Kadence child theme for WordPress designed specifically for blog and niche websites.


“Food” Kadence child theme for WordPress designed specifically for blog and niche websites.


“Home” Kadence child theme for WordPress designed specifically for blog and niche websites.


“Travel” Kadence child theme for WordPress designed specifically for blog and niche websites.


“Tech” Kadence child theme for WordPress designed specifically for blog and niche websites.


“Wellness” Kadence child theme for WordPress designed specifically for blog and niche websites.

“Your website is the window of your business. Keep it fresh, keep it exciting.”

― Jay Conrad Levinson


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